Ich unterwegs – L’io viaggiante

Studien am Grenzrain von Autobiografie und Reiseliteratur Studi al confine tra autobiografia e letteratura di viaggio

A cura di Laura Balbiani e Marco Castellari

CULTURA TEDESCA 58 – giugno 2020
232pp. – ISSN 1720-514x – ISBN 978-88-5757-059-4
In copertina: Jørgen Roed, En kunstner på vandring (Un artista in cammino, 1832; Statens Museum for Kunst, København)


Laura Balbiani, Marco Castellari – Ich unterwegs. Ai confini tra autobiografia e letteratura di viaggio

Albert Meier – Das Ich und seine Unruhe. Bemerkungen zur Emotionalisierung des Reisens im 18. Jahrhundert

Laura Balbiani – Er, wir oder ich? Frühneuzeitliche Reiseberichte auf dem Weg zur Autobiografie

Gabriella Catalano – Individuelle und kollektive Reiseerfahrung. Sulpiz Boisserée in Italien

Tania Baumann, Livia Tonelli – Forme di prospettivizzazione nei Reisebilder aus Sardinien di Max Leopold Wagner

Marco Castellari – Ernst Wilhelm Ackermann. Lettere dall’Italia di un giovane ‘io viaggiante’ (1844-46)

Paola Paumgardhen – Stefan Zweig unterwegs zum fremden Ich

Marco Rispoli – «Im Kommenden ist das Vergangene». Über Die weißen Städte von Joseph Roth

Luisa Giacoma – Declinare wandern sull’esempio di Erich Kästner e Paolo Cognetti


Giuseppe Raciti – Friedrich Gundolf e il cesarismo novecentesco (tra Nietzsche, Spengler e Gramsci)

Domenico Conte – La stanza di Barbablù. I diari di Thomas Mann come fonte psicologica e storica



Albert Meier

Das Ich und seine Unruhe. Bemerkungen zur Emotionalisierung des Reisens im 18. Jahrhundert

In his Nouveaux Essais sur l’entendement humain, Leibniz claims to explain the human ego («Moi») as the result of its subconscious causing all minds to be constantly uneasy. In this view, each person is a windowless monad, who is able to perceive only what complies with its individual structure. Leibniz’ psychology, thus, permits a better understanding of an important paradigm shift in the history of travelling during the age of enlightenment: from ‚encyclopedic‘ to ‚sentimental‘ journeys (mostly to Italy). Both ways of experiencing Italy will be illustrated based on the examples of Johann Caspar Goethe (Viaggio per l’Italia, 1740) and his son Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Italienische Reise, 1786-1788).

Laura Balbiani

Er, wir oder ich? Frühneuzeitliche Reiseberichte auf dem Weg zur Autobiografie

Early modern writers pursued several purposes in writing down their travel impressions, mostly pragmatic ones; only gradually did travelogues become a separate genre of memorabilia, which served for entertainment and edification, but also for self-expression. Based on a corpus of manuscripts and prints from the period 1520 to 1694, the essay analyses the author-reader constellation of these travelogues and the speaker and reference roles to determine the extent to which they can represent initial approaches to a development of the first-person narrative.

Gabriella Catalano

Individuelle und kollektive Reiseerfahrung: Sulpiz Boisserée in Italien

The art historian and collector Sulpiz Boisserée gives in his diaries a detailed report on the years he spent in Italy. Through his daily notes, ordinary events are juxtaposed with the remarks on landscape, painting and architecture. In a fragmented, yet constant and continuous way, the writing records the encounters with the German community living and travelling in Italy, a network of social relationships through which the traveller’s ego is forming his identity. In the pragmatic horizon of communication, the exchange of ideas and interests gradually builds up the image of a historical and medieval Italy together with the myth of its classicism.

Marco Castellari

Ernst Wilhelm Ackermann. Lettere dall’Italia di un giovane ‘io viaggiante’ (1844-46)

This paper analyzes Ernst Wilhelm Ackermann’s travel writing for the very first time. After a brief presentation of this virtually unknown German Vormärz-author, who died very young in 1846, some possible reasons for a repêchage of his poetry, fictional prose and other writings are proposed. The correspondence documenting his two journeys to South Europe – mostly letters to his father – and his fragmentary project Pictures from Italy and Greece are analysed in detail in the third and largest part of the paper.

Livia Tonelli, Tania Baumann

Forme di prospettivizzazione nei Reisebilder aus Sardinien di Max Leopold Wagner

Max Leopold Wagner (1880-1962) was a versatile German scholar of Romance languages who produced many works of fundamental importance, especially those dedicated to the Sardinian language (Das ländliche Leben Sardiniens im Spiegel der Sprache. Heidelberg 1921; La lingua sarda. Storia, spirito e forma, Bern 1950; Dizionario etimologico sardo. 3 vol. Heidelberg 1960-64). He visited the Mediterranean island for the first time in 1904-06 and wrote various travel accounts about it (Reisebilder aus Sardinien) that were published in 1907-08 in two German periodicals for geography and ethnology. These have since been collected and published in book format: first translated into Italian (2001), and then in the original language (2003). This paper aims on the one hand to link Wagner’s scientific approach with his travel accounts, on the other to highlight the author’s central European perspective on the Sardinian people and culture, thus focusing on the linguistic and stylistic strategies adopted in order to present a foreign culture to the German reader.

Paola Paumgardhen

Stefan Zweig unterwegs zum fremden Ich

This article focuses on the theme of travelling in Stefan Zweig’s works. The text analysis shows Zweig’s representations of his Fremderfahrung from his Bohemian Journeys trough Europe, India, America until his exile in Brazil. Travelling was for the author of Die Welt von Gestern a Jewish supranational way of life, the symbol of the eternal wandering, but also the only way of life for a restless artist, who needed freedom to flee his demon.

Marco Rispoli

«Im Kommenden ist das Vergangene». Über Die weißen Städte von Joseph Roth

Joseph Roth’s book about Provence, Die weißen Städte (1925), occupies among his travel writings a special position. At the intersection between travel reportage, essay, fiction, and literary self-portrait, it is a brilliant attempt to reflect and overcome the traumas of the First World War. It is not only a reflection upon the relationship between the nations (in particular between Germany and France) and a plea for a future cosmopolitanism. Above all it is a reflection upon temporality: in the «white cities» of Provence the traveller recognizes the possibility of an individual and cultural development with no traumatic rupture between past, present and future. The paper focuses on this aspect, showing Roth’s attempt to restore a continuity in both individual and European history.

Luisa Giacoma

Declinare wandern sull’esempio di Erich Kästner e Paolo Cognetti

If we compare the word wandern with its equivalent in Italian, escursionismo, we immediately realize that it is only a partial equivalence. When somebody wandert, wants to see something (the landscape, nature…), whereas escursionismo is rather considered as a sport. This cultural and lexical distance does not seem to be so great in literature. If we compare a classic of German literature of the last century like Erich Kästner with the 21st-century Italian writer Paolo Cognetti, we find many descriptions of wandern that are very similar.

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